Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mixed results from the primary.
The biggest news is that the Democrat took Murtha's seat in a very red district in Pennsylvania. I guess maybe the meme about the Dem's demise might be a wee bit overrated.
And I wrote about Ol' Arlen's demise. Sestak is good and the Obamas know it. They backed the hack to get his vote.
Then we have Rand Paul, named for Ayn Rand, and son of the libertarian Ron. Evidently Rand is cut from the same cloth as his Dad and, on top of it, has no thought behind it to say nothing of a nasty streak.
He is the Bagger's champion of the moment.
But what of his positions? As usual, general, angry and right off the road.
Timothy Egan has a good piece in the NYT today about how it is time for the bagger's candidates to put some meat in their red. Some specifics. Yeh, Rand, what ya' got that you are going to do if you get there?
It's pretty good. See how the Medicare, Social Security folks feel about cutting entitlements and spending to say nothing of ending government handouts.
And no, old timer, you are not getting what you put into Social Security. You are going to get a whole lot more and the young people are going to pay for it.
Fascism! This guy has them on the same sign as though they are the same thing.
Dumb nuts.
Labels: republican whack jobs, tea party