
Sunday, May 16, 2010


This is a few weeks old but I just thought about it so I will write about it.

We have covers for our living room skylight. They need to be taken down in the fall and put back up in the spring to block the sun halfway.

This means getting on a ladder and climbing up.

I think that I reported that I was self grounded two year ago. I got up there and I felt "funny" and I really didn't want to come down and I got shakey on the rungs and, as my feet hit the ground, I said "never again". And it has been that way for me.

Last fall, John reached the same conclusion.

The day that happened a young friend was here and he said that there was "no reason for you guys to do that". He and his partner would come and do the job.

And so they did just the other week and they did it without any serious instruction from us.

In the fall, they will also clean out the gutters to get ready for the winter "rains".

And we will stay on the ground. Feet firmly planted. End of an era.

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