Monday, March 29, 2010
From WaPo.
The Republican National Committee gave nearly $2,000 to a Southern California GOP contributor for meal expenses at Voyeur West Hollywood, a lesbian-themed California nightclub that features topless dancers wearing horse-bits and other bondage gear, according to newly filed disclosure records.Doesn't everyone know that these are public records and that they will be scoured.
That stupidity is the least of it.
The hypocrisy of this is breathtaking.
Of course, the Demos have their own scandals but rarely do you see a Democrat caught with his pants down at a Tea Party rally or a NRA meeting.
We may be stupid here and there but we are not prone to crossing to the other side for illicit fun.
This is also the venue for an infamous, well commercially so, gay party run by the White Party crowd.
It should be said that this place is upscale. It may deal in sleaze but the folks dress up for it. And pay a lot, evidently, for a good time.
Very Republican, in a way, if you think about it.
Labels: rep, republican whack jobs
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