Sunday, March 28, 2010
Steve Benen notes the paradox and contradiction of people protesting against government programs when they, themselves, are the direct beneficiaries of government programs.
I imagine that a lot of people on Social Security or disability or unemployment or Medicare A to D, don't think that they are on the dole. Adding to the debt. A part of big government. But they are. We all are.
The word "ignorant" comes to mind.
The NYT has an article today about how, when the economy recovers, there may not be so many tea bags out there who have time to run to Sarah's events or to picket their congresspeople. They will be working.
A lot of them sure seem to have a lot of time on their hands.
I suppose that I am going a bit overboard about the baggies. They have gotten my goat.
I always saw them as a bunch of hot head "aginners" but now I see them as a direct threat to the social fabric.
Forgive me if I vent over the horseshit that I see daily from these folks.
It is one thing to dress up like Paul Revere and go to a demo and quite another to be like a patriot and be American.
When they throw those terms around themselves, "patriot" and "American", they seem to be from another country than the one I grew up with.
But I have a faulty memory. They were there when the civil rights laws were being forged and they were there in the sixties when heads were getting bashed for raising questions about the war. They were there when McCarthy was their leader. They were there when John Birchers were in force. They were there when we used to have to wade through them at airports. They were with LaRouche then.
They are the same people who voted for Prop 8 and ended gay marriage in California and that is the least of what they want to do with the likes of me.
And, yes, we have to have them now because this is America and we are all patriots and they are part of the tension that makes democracy work. So I will put up with it.
At least I, don't want to throw any bricks through their windows or to "reload and target" other people over their views.
Maybe I can get off it for awhile. I am just so over these fucking people.

Labels: republican whack jobs