
Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today. My birthday. 73. Write it out: Seventy Three.

OK. That's enough.

Have a good day.

I like people to recognize my birthday, cards and calls and such. But I draw the line at festivities and large scale operations. Gifts are out too.

This is not because I am unhappy that I am older. Shit. I am older. If I am going to be unhappy about it then I am resisting nature. Never a good policy.

On the other hand, it is, really, another day. I am special all the days that go by. Or not. The date I came into this universe is not such a big deal.

I think it makes other people happy to wish someone "happy birthday" or to send a card or throw a party.

I certainly take time to know all the birthday dates of my friends and enjoy sending them a card. I take particular care in picking out the card of the year.

Yes. I send everyone the same card. Why not?

If it is a good one and people don't start calling each other to discuss their cards, I see no harm in it.

It is a conservative gesture.

So, I see how it is fun to wish someone a happy day. I will indulge you in the same way others indulge me when I send them a card.

Let's see. Do I have any more thoughts about birthdays. Or my birthday?


That is enough.

Thanks for your cards, calls and good wishes.


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