
Sunday, January 31, 2010


Odd, this comes at a time when I have been missing our Franklin who died nine months ago.

Dogs’ Life (and Death) Is a Poignant Tale

Franklin had the same debonair outlook as these dogs. He had more friends than the two of us combined.

There are still people who don't know our names but remember Franklin.

I ran into a former neighbor yesterday who had not heard about Franklin's death.

I thought that I had done all of these stories. Eulogies really.

The guy was struck silent. He mourned with me as I told the headline version.

Of course the good news on the other side of this is Booker who came into our lives not a month after Franklin died.

A miracle. That month seems the longest time. Dogless.

Airedale less.

And Booker has more than met any expectations that I could have for him. He is a wonderful friend and a very special being. He is a gift of the gods. He came to the rescue people two days before we lost Franklin.

Coincidence? Sure. If you want.

But he does not fill in for Franklin. He stands next to him. Sometimes we think that Franklin whispers to him about us.

We know in our hearts that Franklin is irreplaceable as he should be. So much love cannot disappear.

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