Thursday, December 10, 2009
I usually shy away from the gossip pages.
I am not much interested, in the first place. And, in the second, I usually think that it is OK for people to do what they want to do as long as they accept the consequences of their behavior and stand up to the plate when the beans get spilled.
That is not a mixed metaphor. Where else would the beans go, when they get spilled, but on a plate?
I am force fed with this stuff for the half hour I sit in front of CNN at the gym. "Unknown woman taken to emergency room, lived on Woods' street and has license plate in same series as......".
Then the countdown of the bimbos.

But so often they don't come clean. The beans spill and they are underneath the falling beans or not standing at the plate. Or something.
I admire Tiger for not playing the game with the press but I am not sure that he can hold out. They have already taken him off the air. Temporarily.
Besides, it is boring.
Politics, on the other hand, does a much better job of sex scandal. It has so many sides. And, as Gail Collins says, you can have legislative hearings about it.

Labels: republican whack jobs