
Sunday, September 20, 2009


I went to a pool party today. A birthday party for a friend who turned fifty.

It was nice.

I did my usual circuit. People I knew and see regularly and a few that I wouldn't see otherwise. Two out of towners. Nice.

It was hot. It was 106 on the Jeep temp.

Unless I am going to go in the pool these things are always a physical trial unless I go into the house and then I am trapped. I don't know who is in there and what if they are people I don't know or know and don't want to be in the house with?

So I walk the circuit. Touch all the bases. Have some nice surprises.

A nice thing. I was the oldest guy there except for the guy's Dad. I sort of know him too. He looks way older than me but I don't think that he is.

I told him I just had my oldest son turn 50. We had something in common. He said "that means that we are getting older". I said "yup" and moved on.

I left home at 1:15 and returned at 2:15. Mission accomplished.


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