Saturday, August 15, 2009
I was not at Woodstock.
If all the people who say they were there were there, there wouldn't be any room for me.
I knew kids that went.
Well, kids that were ten years younger than me.
They took off, spur of the moment and didn't get back for a week.
Going wasn't bad but getting home was horrendous. And it was only from Boston to upper New York state. I don't think they heard much music.
I did go see the movie. I took my kids. The guy at the theater told me that it wasn't good for kids to see because there were "bad words" in it.
We all went in and saw it anyway.
There wasn't anything about Woodstock that I could see, from the movie, that would make me want to be there. I do not even regret not wishing I was there, let alone lie about it.
Dirt, no food, traffic jams, doped out people.
Not my kind of thing.
I am one of the few people I know who has never been to any kind of rock or other big venue concert.
I have gone to see a few performers in a smaller setting.
So that is it. No nostalgia here. I missed it and I am not sorry about that at all.
Take one look. Would you regret missing this?