Thursday, August 20, 2009
Many of us assume that the "soldiers" showing up to disrupt congressional town halls are right wing conservatives of the usual stripe.
The right part is right but the affiliation of many of these people are to
who has not been on the scene in a visible way for a long time.
His outfit are the ones working the "nazi" theme.
I know. They are all nutty. But these guys have been nutty for a long time and disruptive. They used to sit in airports and buttonhole/recruit people. Shout outs. I used to enjoy throwing them the finger or shouting back at them. You could get into some heavy duty tussles. All verbal as far as I was concerned.
They really got under my skin.
They are still a pain in the ass but, the last time I looked, we still have the First Ammendment in place.
The interesting thing is that the LaRouche people are non-partisan, actually. LaRouche has tried to run in the Democratic primary. His people were after Bush and Cheney when they were in office and they are after Obama now.
They are "aginners". They are agin' this and agin' that and they are strident in their approach.
I think that they are dangerous because they have not been taken seriously for a long time and, obviously, they are taken seriously by enough people to show up and cause a shout down and intimidation. They are very tough on their feet. Just watch the woman who takes on Barney Frank. A LaRouche case.
Labels: republican whack jobs