
Friday, February 27, 2009


I am a little to the right of Paul Krugman. Smug Krug. Win a Nobel Prize and you think you are so smart!

Recently we have not been in synch with one another.

This does not seem to bother Dr. Krugman but it does bother me as I read enough of his "not enough" stuff in the NYTimes column. As Rahm Emanuel said "why not write a column about how to get the votes you need in the Senate? Or how to get Franken's election declared.

But today, we can be happy together.

Climate of Change

The new budget is what has brought us together. Perhaps not for the same reasons.

But this is the genius of the budget. It has something for everyone to like. Everyone, that is, except the people who have been riding the rest of us, the wealthy, the well connected and the people who do not give a fig for the general welfare of a warming earth.

The Obamas are stirring the pot just the way we asked them to when we voted for them.

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