Friday, December 26, 2008
I only have a little more time to kick bush while he is down. After he leaves the office he will be gone. That's even better.
But for now, let's work him over one more time.
While they are trying to burnish the record of the worst president in my life if not the life of the country, no one is buying it.
Read this.
Now, everyone obviously knows that Bush is extremely unpopular, and has been for quite some time, but it's helpful to pause once in a while to appreciate just how despised this president is. We're witnessing something truly historical here.Incidentally, he has never had his picture in this blog before today.
Consider, for example, the question of post-presidential contributions. Eight years ago, 55% of Americans wanted to see Bill Clinton remain active in public life. For Bush, the number is 33%. The country, in other words, not only wants Bush to go away, but we don't want to see him popping up from time to time, either.
Eric Kleefeld went through some of the internals and found widespread distaste for Bush on every level. Americans don't like him, don't trust him, don't think he cares about them, and don't admire him. The public doesn't think Bush united the country, doesn't think he brought about the change we needed, and believes he failed to manage the government effectively.
The scope of the public's disdain for Bush is almost impressive.

Labels: bush. bushies
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