
Sunday, August 31, 2008


I already wrote about how this hurricane fucking up the RNC convention could be a result of that christer who prayed for rain on Obama at his acceptance speech.

But I would like to go farther and include Katrina as well and the time that Falwell or someone said that it was punishment for the sinful city and the sinful nation who had embraced homosexuality and other licentious activity.

Well, all I can say is that we are not curtailing our gay life because of the weather and, today, McCain has announced he is curtailing the first day activities of the RNC.

He said that we are Americans first and Republicans second. Or he and they are. Not me.

Of course. Posturing. Wrapping himself in the flag.

The thing is that about 12 Senators and many other officials had already excused themselves from the election and now a bunch of governors. Our own governor is not going because of a 'budget impasse'. I bet Maria put her foot down.

I notice that Crist is not going, the Florida gov.

There is no hurricane threat for Florida. But he is staying home nonetheless.

I figure he is one of the 'manipulated' Veep guys and is pissed. To think. He had to date a woman and appear engaged for weeks so that he would be acceptable. To no avail.

The poetic and karmic justice in all this is too much to consider fully.

Get your popcorn, sit back and watch the spectacle.


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