Monday, April 07, 2008
Dave sent me this:
Instant Messaging for Introverts
Introversion is an old topic on this blog and the writer drags out almost all the bells and whistles—not so noisy please, we are introverts—that can be found in my biblical passage on the subject. The most emailed item in the Atlantic Monthly history.
As for instant messaging, I simply cannot do it.
I freeze.
If I receive a message I forget how to retrieve it.
If there is a way to fuck it up or lose the message entirely I will do so.
Send one? Impossible. All that thumbing.
I know that the thumb is a big separator (perhaps the only) from other species but why go and build your communications life on it?
I am the same with iChat and other on line message things.
Many times I have tried to go to a 'meeting on line' and failed utterly.
Standing in the corner with a drink in my hand just like the old days.
And then there are the attempts that I have made to go on the 'comments' line of someone's blog.
It is horrendous. I work and work. And then if anyone says anything back to me or comments on my comment (as they will do) I am despondent.
I stop at the blog which is all one way.
I can do email although I am careful about the 'send' button.
I am almost OK with a cell phone if people stick with the basics.
I would not be one of those 24/7 people who has the phone glued to the ear.
Or one of those blue tooth things which I read can cause brain cancer. Really.
But that is a dodge. I just don't want it in my ear like that.
I am not going into the digital revolution happily if it means being totally wired.
There are, incidentally, some good suggestions in the IM article.
I am not sure which I would follow, if any.
But there is a way out as there is a way out of the corner at a party. Show me a compelling, animated conversational partner and I am there. Engaged.