
Monday, March 03, 2008


For years and years I have worn polo shirts of the Izod type with their collars up.

This is the way I wore them in college and this is the way that I wear them now.

Every once in a while some uninformed acquaintance will turn the collar down for me thinking that I have somehow forgotten to flap it down myself.

When I started wearing my polos this way, it was the fashion to do so.

Then it became less and less the fashion and more and more hors de la mode.

So much better for me. I am delighted to be this way. The more hors the better.

Now, finally, after about fifty years, la mode is coming around to my way of thinking again.

The bright young meterosexual male is wearing his polo with the collar up.

What they now call "popped".

If you wait long enough, you can be on the right side of the wave.

Now I will have to find another way to rebel.

I don't wear the brand name kind anymore incidentally. Lands End 29.95 heavy mesh polo. Perfect. And no label to show.

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