
Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Now we have to wait all day to find out the results of Super Tuesday.

I won't know California until morning but I will know a lot of the other states before I go to bed at 8PM.

That is the big advantage of being on this coast.

Not the only one, actually.

I am OK on all of it.

The ones that I could not stomach are not in the race. The ones that I like will end up friendly.

The party will not be split.

I am sure that McCain is going to be the GOoPer guy.

He is more bush than bush in many ways.

And don't believe a word of the Romney ads.

McCain is not a liberal.

He is a down and dyed in the wool hawk.

He is ambiguous about gay rights.

He will appoint right wing judges because he will have to.

He is probably not temperamentally suited to the job. This is the concern of many of his Senate colleagues, even republicans.

He is old.


He is older than me!

Another Bob Dole.

Prop him up, send him out, get through this election and rebuild the party. They better rebuild it.

McCain can go on and do the Viagra ads just like Bob did.

I watched Romney this morning in CNN and he looked like he was nauseous. His eyes stared into the headlights.

He had a pissing contest with Huckabee yesterday. He lost. His pant leg is still wet. And that is all they wanted to talk about with him. He repeated that McCain is a liberal.

Old stuff.

The hair was in place though.


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