
Saturday, December 08, 2007


So Huckabee is the new darling of the right wing nuts.

The only acceptable theocrat.

A born-again-baptist preacher.

In the White House?

I don't think so.

As he has risen in the polls there is a daily shooting gallery opening up on his true life adventures as a governor.

The release of a serial rapist murderer because the perp was 'born again'—a frequent tactic of the parole seeking inmate.

Now he is seen as wanting to quarantine AIDS patients in the late nineties well after anyone believed 'it' was catching without intimate exchange of body fluids.

And the other day it turns out that he was unaware of the new NIE data on Iran's nuclear capability.

Another guy who doesn't read the papers.

He is led by god so he doesn't need them. Intelligence reports. Or is it intelligence.


The name is irresistible. OK. I will be the first to say it out loud.



UPDATE: Ooops. Sorry Huck. It was 1992. Not the late nineties. But still a more enlightened time.

Here is what he said about the homos (that's me he's talking about folks)

"I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural, and sinful lifestyle, and we now know it can pose a dangerous public health risk."

Like your ass huckafuck.


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