Saturday, November 03, 2007
Two firsts today.
The first was an actual live candidate at the door with a little folder and a handshake.
It is amusing that this is the guy who is running for the Water Agency position held by my neighbor across the lane.
We get to vote for two so this guy will get my vote along with neighbor Bill.
The second thing is that we had our first piece of negative campaign mail. A slam of the guy who we support with a sign on the lawn. Calls him a puppet of development interests and lists his realty and development donors.
It is a turn around thing. Actually, he is against heavy development and is a No on C guy stopping the develoment of a major golf resort on the hills near the Tram.
One of those anonymous 'taxpayer association' things. I think republicans maybe.
This is like the Rove thing. Attack them on the issue for which your own side is most vulnerable.
I don't know.
It is kind of nasty and funny at the same time.