
Friday, October 05, 2007


We went to get our flu shots today.


It is that time again.

Seniors are especially targeted to get them. We are vulnerable, after all.

Here, the Senior Center gets very aggressive about it. They have an Elder Expo with all kinds of booths and shit. An attraction.

There is one hitch. They make you walk all through the Expo to get to the shots.

It showed me that, one more time, this kind of Senior Center oldster life is not for me.

Wall to wall geezers.

I know. I know.

I may eat my words some day and be one of those yuk-yuk old guys hanging out at the doors to help get the line moving while actually impeding progress.

I would be that guy, I think.

It is the only way that I could see myself joining the gang.

We have an older friend who has spent much of her later years being a volunteer with the elderly because she has never identified with 'them' in any other way.

It has kept her young.

Me too, I hope.

If I have to.

You could go there and lead your entire life which is, for some people, a good thing. They have games and socials and all kinds of activities. Lunch.

So far, I am a member but not a participant.

I only darken the door once a year for my flu shot.

So I am free and clear for 2007.


Ticket punched.

See 'ya again next year!

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