
Thursday, September 27, 2007


Not many people get attached to their dentists but I have.

I have been seeing Dentist Mike for almost 9 years.

He did magic on my shaky mouth and stabilized my teeth and gums.

He has been an enjoyable companion in the good and bad (not many of those) times.

And now he is gone.

I went to my 4 month checkup today and he sat down, looked into my eyes (really) and let me know he is giving up his practice.

He has a job with the state penal system.

Perqs. Salary. Someone else to carry the administrative burden.

Mike has worked alone. No hygienist. No office staff to jerk you around.

Low overhead.

But he has been through a nasty divorce. He is tired. He is looking ahead to his later years.

And a sinecure with the bureaucracy looked better than staying with me.

I didn't take it personally.

Well, I did.

It was hard to say goodbye.

I got teary.

I know that he will hand me off to someone I can trust at least for a little while.

We will see.

In the meantime, I am thankful for his presence in my oral life.

I have never had as good a dentist.

Well, I have only had 5. Still.

I thought I would be freaked out at another level. The thought of going to a new person doesn't appeal but it doesn't seem too bad.

I will take it as it plays.

I am pretty good at managing my own care and I don't take any shit from anyone.

We will see if I can hold my record for good relationships with my docs.


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