Thursday, August 30, 2007
I got back this morning from San Diego. I didn't want anyone to worry about me 'on the road'! I had a safe trip and arrived OK.
I left there at 4 and arrived here just as John and Franklin were finishing their walk. They were way up the street and Franklin gave me the 'look' so John left him off the leash and he did one of those run/walk things. So cute. Then all over me. I wore a white shirt. Bad idea. I had to change.
I left early so I could see the sunrise over the desert from the heights over Palm Desert. Instead I got a wonderful light show all the way from SD. Lightning bolts. Yellow and blue. Heat lightning. Some kind of weird front was coming through.. The lightning was far more dramatic and, at the end, I got a sunrise anyway. Quite a trip. Really beautiful.
I had a good trip. Nothing happened. Here are my pelicans.
They are on the rocks at the boat ramp across from where I stay. They are waiting for boats to dump their fish guts and all. Grumping that there is nothing doing just at this time and also that I am really too close.
One of the best things I saw was this ship returning from wherevever. All the crew are out in their dress whites.

It has to be the end of the cruise and this is how they come into harbor. I think that this is a frigate or destroyer. I didn't check with the Navy man on this.
I hope the photo isn't too big for your machine. I wanted the detail.
It was quite thrilling to see this.
I had a good time doing very little and being silent as much as possible. I had good food. A new chef at the hotel's restaurant. I mostly spent my time walking the length of the island and sitting and watching the boat ramp. Out in the morning (4-5AM is a good time) and back in the PM. Reading. Sitting.
Oh. And the first night I got up to see the full eclipse at 3AM. Called John and got him up to see it together. It was quite something.
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