Friday, May 25, 2007
I mean the one between the Congress and the prez.
Many lefties view the Congress' vote for the Iraq blood money, without limits, as a capitulation.
I tend not to see it this way.
I rather believe that the efforts being made to push bush back are winning.
Not in a win/lose way, but in the way that will work with his reality which is that he must see the political liabilities of his position and begin to move toward withdrawal.
Of course, in the meantime, people are dying for his lost cause but there you are.
Or there he is.
Why am I kinda sorta optimistic? You can see him changing before our eyes. Reluctantly, but changing.
Bush opens the door to a troop withdrawal:
He says the Iraq Study Group's plan, once scorned, appeals to him. But securing Baghdad must come first.
Of course, he is a world class liar and obfuscater.
Maybe this is just eyewash.
But I think not.