Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I don't much like 'outing' people for obvious reasons. I have a few exceptions; mostlyl people who are values hypocrites or are actually wallowing in the acts they are condemning.
The guy who resigned the other day is a good example.
He is the one who fucked up the AIDS aid by requiring abstinence training and banning condoms.
He has been quoted that he was just getting massages and it wasn't any different than ordering up a pizza.
Now, an asshole like that ought to be caught in the headlights.
Abstinence Bushie Busted! Randall Tobias, hypocrite
This woman has them all by the short ones. I really admire her (and her lawyers) for a strategy of fighting fire with fire: "Nail meānail you".
Labels: criminal morons, sex workers