Friday, May 18, 2007
I don't normally react to comments on the blog but this one had me scratching my head.
A poser.
It is in response to my focus on Giuliani's blanket endorsement of torture ('whatever it takes') the other night in the context of his more liberal positions on domestic social issues.
America is still the last best hope for the rest of the world as the globe recedes into socialism and/or islamic fascism. Foreign aid and humanitarian aid from the US to the third world exceeds the aid provided by the next 40 countries COMBINED! Through the State Department, USAID, and the Peace Corps the US government sponsors literacy programs, health and immunization programs, famine relief, etc. etc. across the globe.We are a great and moral nation (as a whole) and as such we DON'T condone torture or regularly practice it! We're better than that! This isn't China or Cuba after all!
Why do people from the rest of the world still want to come and live here?
Who do you personally know that's been tortured? Your neighbor? Your local barber? The little old lady next door?
Yeah.....I didn't think so......
A little over the top dude.
I was just talking about the 9-11 man who apparently DOES "condone torture" and would be ready to "regularly be ready to practice it".
I think America is all that too.
That is exactly the reason that I don't think we should be zapping people's balls to mak'em talk.
Or waterboarding.
Or, well, whatever they actually are, I am convinced, doing.
Evidently ANONYMOUS doesn't think that they are doing this or if they are it is OK.
The other part of this is the whole 'criticize one part of our country and you condemn it all' argument.
This is the mindset of the Love It or Leave It bumper stickers back when we were doing 'Nam.
Do I know anyone who has been tortured?
Shit, no.
And I don't want to.
But if we make it part and parcel of our military approach, I will start knowing that the neighbor's son, the barber's daughter and the little old ladies' grandkids have been tortured.
And so on.
You can see. It did get under my skin and they say to let your blog's comments go.
And I will.