Tuesday, May 01, 2007
It looks like Israel has the same problem we do.
Israeli leader resists calls to resign
They did what we did. They elected or allowed a leader who is criminally inept—a warmonger.
I wrote about the attack on Lebanon when it happened and agonized about the Israeli crime in attacking the struggling democracy. They made no attempt to negotiate the return of some rogue troops that were captured on Lebanese territory.
Our government did nothing to stop it or to push Israel to moderate their response.
I also decried our complicity in supplying arms and probably a lot more.
The [our] un-exploded cluster bombs and radioactive artillery shards will plague the country for years.
This will continue the war on civilians which were targeted during the active war proceedings.
The Jews are as bad as the rest of them but at least they still have a sufficient allowance for public opinion to have some sway.
Like bush, Olmert refuses to take responsibility for failure or to step down.
Labels: criminal morons, Israel