
Sunday, April 08, 2007


Easter is a non-starter around here.

If you don't believe in the Easter Bunny, then you are stuck with a christian myth which you have to admit is a pretty grizzly story that requires a good deal of suspension of disbelief.

Some would say that 'belief' would suffice but I see it more an excursion into magical thinking.

We are told that a majority of people are into it one way or another.

Yeh, I know, we are a christian nation.


Another suspension of disbelief here.

I know what the numbers say but I don't believe it.

When I was a kid, easter was an occasion of mass attendance to church, even more so than christmas.

I didn't get it and still don't.

A lot of it seemed to be about hats and dresses.

Come in, make a show and then go out and act like the 'heathens' the rest of the year.

I was a cynical kid.

I never really 'got' the whole story anyway. The death, the rising, the going into heaven.

I don't want to step on anyone's faith here but I hope that you have a strong spiritual center to go along with the religious mumbo jumbo.

If so, then you won't feel trampled.

We will have a quiet day.


And I hope that you do the same.

I will put aside the wish for a happy holiday.

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