Wednesday, February 14, 2007
When I was a kid, we had a Valentine's Day box in every grade up to high school.
Kids brought in valentine cards for each other and put them in the box.
Then on V-day, the box would be opened and the valentines delivered.
It was fun but it also had its edge.
Some kids got a lot of cards. Some kids didn't get as many. Some didn't get any.
Some kids couldn't afford cards and had to make their own. This was sweet and actually more of a real gesture of affection but was viewed as a lower class option. Consumerism is born. The machine triumphs over the artisan.
And then, there was the cruel edge of the 'comic' card which was a valentine insult. Some kids got a lot of those.
I suppose that this was good practice for the slings and arrows of the social system that we would all grow into.
Sad, nonetheless.
I was not a popular kid but I was also not unpopular.
I got some cards.
I don't remember any nasty ones. But, I wouldn't. I had a good healthy ego which would bounce that off.
I dealt with it. It formed an attitude towards life.
I came to understand that living to please others might seem profitable at the valentine box but that it exacted a high price which I was unwilling to pay.
I opted for medium or low popularity. Conformity was not a goal.
We were talking about this in the spa last night.
John suggested that PC would prevent such a thing happening now. Maybe everyone has to make their own cards and send them to everyone. Maybe there is a drawing!
I am glad I don't have to be a kid today.
I am going to ask Randy if his class has a valentine box.
From my experience kids find a way to play favorites (bigger to better friends). It also seems to end around 4th grade....