Sunday, January 01, 2017
Locking the hen house doors
Obama is working overtime to set up new regulations, establish government agencies and fill up the civil service with loyal Democrats.
Obama’s Last Days: Aiding Trump Transition, but Erecting Policy Roadblocks
And the GOoPs are not happy about it.
But this follows an old tradition. Well, not that old. I remember when this happened the last time to Georgie W. Bush.
White House Vandalized In Transition, G.A.O. Finds
Vandalized. Put a smiley face here.
Or a smirk.
I know. It is pretty sophomoric. But Obama himself has been more than helpful to the Trump people. It just won't go down the line that far.
Obama will lose his job but probably set up a strong opposition organization to look after his legacy. A rumor at this point.
But there are about 4000 people who will also be on their way out the door and you can't expect them to go quietly into the sunset.
One person's vandalism is another person's political action. God bless America. I mean it.
And you know? I wish the Trumpers all the best. I have to. It is a mean world and we are Americans. We stick together. But, on the inside while we are doing our world job, a bit of pranking hurts no one and lets some steam off.
Labels: Administration Obama, Trump Administration