
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Seduced and abandoned 

Today's film was so beautiful to look at.

But it was way overstuffed for the story which is not very original.

A town needs a doctor to get a factory to come build there and so they con a new medical graduate doing public service for drug possession to come be their doctor.

Deep breath after that longish sentence.

You can guess where this is going.

The Grand Seduction (2013)

Too bad because with a skillful hand on the FF, I did a pretty good job of editing it down so that at its predictable end I had a case of the sniffles.

The film company should have hired me to do the edit.

But there is Brendan Gleeson and Taylor Kitsch to look at in the process and that was a good thing.

The wilds of Newfoundland are also gorgeous and they have scenes all over.

There is a great deal of room here for character actors. The time provided is good for them.

I will give it a 3 out of Netflix5 just because I wanted it to be so much better. Or, rather, shorter.


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