
Friday, December 30, 2016

Same old same old 

It seems that the Palestine/Israel thing has been going on all my life.

Yes. It is a "thing".

Man made and concocted out of a soup of entitlement and terror to say nothing of xenophobia and pro and anti semitism.

A tutorial is laid out here.

The Two-State Solution: What It Is and Why It Hasn’t Happened

I have always been interested in how this has not worked. The impediments are so large that one wonders how we got here and, worse, how we are going.

I remember Count Bernadotte.

Look him up.

The Jews killed him. Assassinated by "Zionists". This is always the explanation by the Jewish State. So many splinter groups to blame for cover what is really an untenable situation.

Bernadotte was killed in 1948. I was 11 years old. We were just out of the Second World War. The killing seemed wrong to me and the cover up obvious.

Here we had the Jews starting their own state on someone else's territory (here we go) and actually living out the insanity of such a solution.

For decades Israel rode on the sympathy of Westerners who had seen the Holocaust. A lot of capital letters here.


But my take is that they took advantage. Sympathy gave them a story and a spin. And they used it.

The cover? Antisemitism. I could be accused of it here.

I worry when I type. Not too much though. How could I not be sympathetic?

Look bro', it has been almost 70 years. You have not gotten your shit together yet. Arafat, the villain you used, is dead. And you are still carrying on your entitled opera.

Now I will stop.

I love that Obama has called "bullshit" on them in his final days. Too bad he had to wait so long. HE is tired of it too.

Incidentally, these days, Israel has nothing to do with being jewish in America. Nothing.

Some American jews may be carrying water for Israel but that is another story.

This is so tiresome. Tragic. Goddam them all.

And finally? Netanyahu is a dick and has always been one.


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