
Wednesday, December 07, 2016

More about Taiwan 

Trump's call to Taiwan or Taiwan's call to Trump was all the news the other day.

I wrote about it because it is an interesting departure from long time US policy.

Now there is more about this.

It turns out that Bob Dole the former candidate and Senate bigwig was instrumental.

So all this was a setup to send a clear message to, who?

China? The Taiwanese? Us?

Hard to tell.

But like a lot of other things about the Trump-et it bears watching.

Actually, I do not much care about this. It is passing show. But a very interesting one. This is how the world goes around and around again. And here comes China.

Trump plays cards very close to his vest so he looks, at times, a bit like a dim bulb.

I do not take it that way. He is not mainstream. He runs his own show. He is, as they used to say, a "oner'.

Unique and not very predictable.

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