Wednesday, December 07, 2016
In the dark
No film today.
I spent the time organizing my DVD collection.
Well, not so much organize but take out of the DVD boxes and put flat into a big album which holds all the rest of them.
I am beginning to rethink the whole idea of buying DVDs but the fact is that many gay films are not available in Netflix and while they are not all Oscar quality they are pretty good and do reflect the "gay experience" in a way you can't get elsewhere.
So, I am going to catch up. Meaning I am going to sort the discs out, put them in the big floppy DVD "book/album" and then watch them again.
This will severely limit my Netflix watching for now but I will be back to it in due course. Two or three months.

I don't think there are drive-in movies anymore.
If there are, they are not around here.
In various phases of my life I have gone to the drive-in.
When I was married and had little kids, it was the only way we could get there. Later I took them to inappropriate films, once getting a fisheye from an usher over it. I don't know if I did any damage to their sensibilities or not. I just thought they should get to see the world outside a Disney view of things.
I think the film in question was Woodstock, where, they had topless men and women. And more although more in the mud than not.
Labels: movies