Sunday, December 04, 2016
Back to the future
When I was a kid, a Methodist kid (when they were middle of the road), we were bombarded with propaganda about the virtues of Chiang Kai-shek, the despot who ruled China at that time.
Actually, it turns out that the power behind the throne was the Madame Chaing who was a converted Methodist. Hence the glorification.
To others less gullible she was known as "the Dragon Lady", an ambivalently evil character from a comic of the time. Terry and the Pirates.
Yup. The church was up to its games then too.
Later, when Chiang was deposed we found that he had been a real son-of-a-bitch and she worse.
When China "went red" the Nationalists ran to Taiwan and over the years, while people have forgotten the origination story, Taiwan is a symbol of commie suppression and glorious resistance to the barbarian in the person of whoever runs Taiwan at that time.
A tired old set of tropes that suddenly are re-lit by the Trumps as, what? A distraction? A new bone to pick?
A reopening of the "cold war". Probably more a goof up by an uninformed Pres-elect.
China Warns Trump After His Controversial Call With Taiwan
What the fuck?
They are patching it up saying that they called him first. Yup.
In any event it is adventurism and just what he said he would not do. Meddling in foreign affairs. And sad old forgotten affairs at that.
Jesus. Is this what we are in for from here on in?
Given Trump's reputation as a ladies man, perhaps he remembers the Lady from his comic book days. Which would be when? Last week?

Labels: President Trump