Sunday, November 27, 2016
Sorting it out
Today's movie is a very good depiction of a gay relationship in trouble.
There are no shouting matches, no histrionics. Just a quiet landslide ending in separation.
That is not a spoiler, nor is it the whole story.
We are led through the steps of this dissolution and allowed to draw our own conclusions about the situation.
Both men are a bit rootless. One is a singer, the other an actor. Already in a slippery place professionally. Perhaps they are depending too much on each other to provide the stability they are not getting anywhere else.
We get to see a bit into one man's past and his relationship with his father and sister.
I liked this film very much and probably would not want to see it again although the sex scenes are very good. A lot of body exploration, very close up. Male beauty. They are both stunners. And we see all of them. Almost.
So a 3 out of Netflix 5 unless a late night conversion drives to me to buy the DVD. Or if my husband likes it a lot more than I did.