
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Slow motion train wreck 

I do not want to gloat..

After all, it is my country and if there is incompetence or just plain stupidity and laziness I worry.

Now, it seems that the Trump transition has turned into a goat fuck of gigantic proportions.

Firings and Discord Put Trump Transition Team in a State of Disarray

Of course, this comes from the "disreputable" NYTimes (wink nudge).

I know that the job is not easy and I also believe that Trump was not ready to win. He drank the Kool Aid along with the rest of us and figured that while the Trump brand had been served well he could sit back and bask in the myth of his own mind.

My guess.

Of course, the transition work is hard but he and the Clintons had a team in place for this for months before the election. Stopped dead by trouble at the top of the committee, the Trump wheels fell off.

At this point I usually say to pass the popcorn as we watch but I have already gone through one box watching this mess.


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