
Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Sitting it out 

I know a few people who were planning on doing this.

Millions on Election Day Make a Different Decision: Not Voting

I respect people's decision to vote with their ass. I do not approve however.

Some of these people should have been supporting Clinton. Some, perhaps, Trump. I like to think that everyone I know and like agrees with me on everything.

But the part of me that had reservations about Clinton could see these side-sitter's points.

In a way, if they are filling in the "none of the above" box, then that is their right and privilege.

We are not yet compelling the vote in this country although it has been proposed from time to time.

We maintain the right to not vote. To vote with our feet. Or our asses.

It is my belief that this is one of the main factors of what happened this time.

It is clear that the Hispanic surge did not materialize. And "the blacks". Not even a bloc this time around.

Of course a lot of this is indifference rather than conviction like my friend.

It is another aspect of the American Way and one which is quite vexasious.


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