
Friday, November 18, 2016


Apparently Obama has no plans to walk away.

Obama May Jump Into Fray as Democrats Counter Trump

Good. I was afraid he might fade into the sunset like a lot of former Presidents.

He will have to find his place in what is certain to be a massive opposition to the Trump Change that is expected.


This is an unusual circumstance. If the President does not get killed or die in office some other way, they have a lot of power that goes with them in retirement. Some do not use it much. Gerald Ford became my neighbor here and mostly played golf. Nixon atrophied in New York. Carter went back to his peanuts. Start3ed his own Foundation around the world.

Time will tell. Obama is young and energetic. He is not going to sit idly by while the Trumpfs try to unwind his legacy.

I welcome the conflict. I will be right here cheering him on.


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