Friday, November 18, 2016
And done
Today, the second half of Martin Scorsese"
I really liked this movie a lot.
First of all it has airplanes and it includes technical information. It does not talk down. You have to pay attention.
Second it has Leonardo DiCapprio in what at times seems to be miscasting but then, finally, is not. He is superb. So are all the other big time actors who fill out the cast.
I grew up with a Dad who adored airplanes. Built models, Went to airports to gawk. Would take a ride at any opportunity. These were mostly bi-planes.
Then a long gap for me. I didn't pay a lot of attention to it all.
This film brings it all back. The excitement of the times.
And then there is Howard Hughes. A phobic recluse at the end whose long brilliant career as an entrepreneur and flier were forgotten in scandals and misguided Congressional hearings.
He was a ladies man. Kate Hepburn. Ava Gardner. So the women in this film are called upon to do a very difficult task. To play iconic actresses. Kate Blanchett is great.
This is also a movie movie. Hughes produced a bunch of hits like Hells Angels, Scarface and The Front Page.
A forgotten time brought to life.
I would not mind seeing it again for all its long three hours.
Labels: films