
Saturday, October 29, 2016


Every once in awhile I dip into the heterosexual sexploitation genré to see what is going on.

The men are usually pretty good looking and there is even a story sometimes.

I don't know why I watched

8mm 2 (2005)

but that must have been it. Idle curiosity.

There is a lot of sex in this film. It is a generic spy thriller with a lot of stops for all out sex scenes. James Bond has nothing on this stuff.

This is a sequel to an earlier film titled, guess what, 8mm.

The men are handsome, the women are beautiful and they are more than willing to "x" out all the boxes on the sexual versatility charts.

But no homo for the men. Just the usual hetero fascination with lesbians.

In the meantime, a tawdry story of spies in the bedrooms of famous men and secret pictures (blackmail) add up to an old formula which was done much more brightly in the film noir Thirties.

It is said that the sex is real in this film. OK. If so, they were bored too. Not much zip.

I had to FF because I could not take any more of it and so it is a 1 out of Netflix5.

But what do I know. The "straights" might really like it. Maybe. But I doubt it. No one likes to watch a sex downer.


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