Monday, October 10, 2016
I have returned to the lists.
I took my time off and spent it well. Old DVDs and relaxed afternoons.
And the time off helped.
I am fired up and ready to go.
What did I miss while I was gone?
I made some notes.
For one thing, I saw Michelle Obama make the speech of a lifetime on behalf of Hillary Clinton. And also on behalf of the Obama legacy. Outstanding.
Out of the blue, Bob Dylan won a Nobel Prize for Literature. Poetry.
I bet my long-ago friend Peter is happy as hell about this. Me? I was never a fan of the obscure rattlings of the Dylan soul. But I was glad to see him get it anyway. It did not prompt me to go and listen to one side of any of his work. Yeh. I know he is a genius. I just cannot stand to hear him sing.
Some more campaigning went on. Grinding my gears here and there. Nothing special until last night's debate.
What a blowout.
Clinton was at her best. Trump at his worst.
He is fond of saying that "she has no energy" but this is his pointing the finger to others when it is his problem totally. He started big then flagged. Bloated and slow like a punch drunk fighter, he lost his mo about thirty minutes in and it never came back.
What message he had became a mess in his hands in the second half.
I do not know that the debates change any minds. Someone said "move the dial". But they sure can steel one's resolve.
I would now more like to see his ass kicked than at any other time in the campaign.
The press today is brutal.
His failure to state his commitment to the results of the election is unpatriotic. Astounding. Un-American.
He is s spoiled sore loser and a potential menace to the country.
If for no other reason, I hope for a landslide to put this whiner to rest once and for all.
A rant, huh. I guess I am ready to return.
One more thing. Do you notice? The woman in the white suit, the man in the black. Just like the westerns. The good and bad guys.
Labels: 2016 General Election, Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump