Saturday, October 22, 2016
Money talks
Money talks and bullshit walks.
An old saying I grew up with.
I am not quite sure of the meaning actually. It is a bit garbled. I looked it up.
And so it goes for the supposed billionaire Donald Trump.
I say supposed because more and more it seems he may nat really have all that cash everyone thinks he has. But that is another story.
I am talking here about the campaign for President of the United States.
Outside Money Favors Hillary Clinton at a 2-to-1 Rate Over Donald Trump.
Now I suppose I should be bothered by this. But the Supreme Court held in the Citizens United case that "outside money" was OK. That organizations outside the actual campaigns could raise as much money as they could for particular candidates.
At the time this was thought to be a Republican initiative to pad the expenses of costly campaigns. If so, it has backfired.
The Trumps have about half the outside money that Clinton does. And right or wrong that is going to make a big difference in this campaign. I guess the GOoPers that wanted outside money got what they wanted. Be careful what you ask for.
Labels: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump