Monday, October 03, 2016
Chasing symptoms
I had a great morning at the Hospital.
I was sent to their lab to do some tests but it turned out there was no such thing as simple.
I have an infected ankle, long story, but they were going to be sure that was all and that it didn't mean something else.
Now let me say at the outset that I am not complaining. What I expected and what I got were two different things.
The put me on a series of testing procedures, machines, X-rays. and the lot, to see if this could be a result of lung problems or some other distant condition.
Short answer, no. It was just a skin infection. Cellulitis.
The surprising thing and, in a way, the best thing was that once I was put in jonny gown I was taken to many stations where every fucking organ in my upper body was probed. Very little about the ankle as it was plainly obviously in need of treatment.
I suppose this is what they mean when they talk about escalating medical costs. Well, I agree. It is over the top.
But when it is me that is under the gun I am more than happy to have it done particularly since they did not find one thing wrong in my upper body. Not lungs, kidneys and the rest of it.
I do have some kidney function problems but the kidney is well and in good kidney shape—I suppose like a kidney shaped swimming pool.
And me? It is like the way when we got a "no fault" audit from IRS when our company and the owners (me) were audited.
But my good god there are a lot of machines and people. It is swarming with people. And, as it turns out several of them were friends or friends of friends who found out I was there and stopped by.
Palm Springs is not a small town until it is. People become right sized and take the time to care and kibbitz.
I walked out with a prescription for two antibiotics. Said to be killers. Good.
So I am free of worry for awhile. Not that I worry that much. I am almost 80 and it has been great so far.
And what is more, I might live long enough to vote for Hillary Clinton's second term.