
Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Using our initiative 

The argument for "initiatives" is that it gives people like me a say in the State's lawmaking.

But in California, this process is wildly out of control.

The California Voter Ordeal: 17 Decisions on the Ballot

An ordeal for sure.

This is one of the reasons that we switched to vote by mail.

Standing at a ballot box to work through this pile of citizen led government is too much.

And many people will not do it. Maybe I will be one of those people.

I am going to be asked for my opinion on a lot of issues which I am ill equipped to decide.

Sure. The death penalty is straight forward. But is it really? Not if you put it on a yes or no basis.

And so on.

It has worked here for a long time and I am a newcomer to the process, relatively. It makes my head burst.

In Massachusetts we depended on the wisdom of our elected government to do this stuff.

But, come to think of it, that didn't work out too well either.

Government and responsible citizenship is hard. But I am up to the task.

Somewhere in the process I will feel a glow.

The glow will warm me and lead me to vote the way I want things to go. And I will feel involved and more a part of the whole process.

Daunting but quite worthwhile. The feeling of engagement is a big deal I think. Our government. Our laws. Our decisions.

Me! Flexing my own muscles.

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