Wednesday, September 14, 2016
All of a sudden, autumn.
Time for a jacket in the convertible. 63 F in the air and gods know what in the wind chill factor.
We have been waiting for this. And the week will not disappoint.
A turning point has been reached and it will stick with us.
We watch the weather carefully. Inside, outside, in the sun, out of the sun?
The house is open and will likely stay that way for most if not all of the day.
I know that for a lot of people this is trivial nonsense. It is just weather.
But the engagement with heat for four months is tiring and sometimes unbearable for long periods.
Many of our Northeast friends would give their left nut, if they had one, for our weather.
I know, a sexist turn of phrase but colorful enough to make the point.
We will do our best to keep the ball rolling.
Also, to make it real, the AC vendor came yesterday to tune up the heating system for winter. We have a service contract which makes this automatic.
This morning I thought I might turn the heat on but realized I had opened all the windows and so went to shut them.