
Sunday, August 21, 2016


No sun today.

The first very cloudy day in s long run of solidly blue skies and very hot weather.

While it is a bit on the humid side it is still just below the comfortable dew point line of 60%.

And the temperature is below 100 at 3 PM. We have not seen this for a long time.

And the prognosis for the next block of time is similar although the clouds will part.

We are not nearly as obsessed about the weather here as family in Florida.

But we are pretty close to it.

It is weird to me that people who live in a lot of different weather conditions through the year are less consumed with the subject than we are where weather changes very little and is seldom bad.

Marcus and I are just in from a walk and we had at least nine drops of rain fall on us. Discernible drips on the sidewalk.

I hope it does do the forecasted thunder showers. I decided not to water today and am expecting a heavenly gift instead.

We will see.


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