Monday, August 29, 2016
Self destruction
This is fascinating.
A time line of, get this, 110 Republicans who have disavowed Trump.
Holy jumping jeezus.
I know he has offended me. But 110 full time professional Republicans?
And to go public about it!
There is a big difference about not liking one's Party's choice but another to be so public about it.
There is the cynical observation that the handwriting on the wall is so plain that any electable Republican would be abandoning ship very quickly.
Of course they could all be wrong.
But the consensus seems to be that it is too late for Trump to right himself. He has tried but then relapses.
None of the experts seem to be able to give the emperor new clothes.
I read today that he is not planning to prepare for the debates. Rather he is having lunch with close friends (bacon cheeseburgers) and kicking ideas around.
Hmmm. We will see how that works.