
Thursday, August 11, 2016

I was returned, me 

So I had a great time doing nothing in my favorite place.

Well, one of my favorite places.

I drove back this morning, early. Saw the sun rise over the mountain at Palm Desert. Wow. One of God's light shows. Every time.

I woke early early and rather than sit on my ass there I packed, got into the car and drove back to the desert non stop.

Not that I was in any hurry to leave or to get home. A nice neutral "it is time" feeling. No traffic. Clear all the way.

Nothing spectacular happened on the trip this time. Nothing ever does. One of the benefits of going to this place.

I like to watch the marina side for closer up people snooping. A nice young man with an aging, sort of decrepit boat caught my eye. He was right near me. The thing is that no one ever looks up at the hotel windows. And I am not the only voyeur.

Actually, his dog caught my eye first. A happy puppy who seemed to think there was no place on earth better than this dock with this human.

Innocent joy. Dogs are great. I could see how he loved his human and did not miss a thing.

The hotel was half empty. I am not sure what to make of that. A tour of Germans broke the quiet monotony one night. Fun to watch them struggle with the language and the menu. Having done the same in their happy land I found it amusing. Not mean, me. Just a people watcher.

Another morning I watched a boatload of historic re-creationists try to get a Balboa type boat going from the dock on the bay side. All paddles and gallywest but they finally got it together. There is a maritime museum in San Diego. I suppose they were a part of that.

The hotel is renovated with a very nice ambience. Greys. Blues. Creams.

The food was as good or better than usual. The breakfast buffet is long gone. A little more pricey but this guy has his french toast down for sure.

Clear weather of course. The air quiet and cool in the 70s. Doors open all day.

I am a happy lover of routine. My days "on the beach" are familiar and pleasant and alone.

We all need some down time.

My husband goes on his vacation on Sunday. A cruise, five days I think. And I will keep the home fires burning.

It is still hot so I suppose that would mean keeping the AC going in mid day.


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