
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Thy rod and thy staff 

Trump has no staff.

A one man show.

As of yesterday, he doesn't even have a campaign manager.

And now, word is that he has no campaign money.

Donald Trump Starts Summer Push With Crippling Money Deficit

Clinton=41Mil, Trump=1.3 Mi


Of course, he has no committed donors because his campaign was self funded. So there is no history. No critical mass of money.

And, I suspect other factors. Other than the fact that Trump is an entitled, flaming asshole.

He has no friends and does nothing to make more. He is not seen as a friendly guy. A wise cracker and bully.

Even the evangelicals, with whom he is meeting secretly today, cannot much stand him.

Too bad about that. Now that they wrecked the GOP they are stuck with the lowest common denominator.

The problem with the "religious" test is that old holier than thou attitude. No one passes but the tester. Never mind that most of his supporters are non-religious knuckle draggers.

As for Trump as a religionist, he would have a hard time passing through that proverbial needle. For a lot of reasons. Money just one, the other is his big head.

The Donald is just short of a cartoon character, bigger than life.

They made him by killing all their good kids and now they have him. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.


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