
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

It doesn't work 

Terrorism doesn't seem to get its desired effect, at least not in America.

There’s a Disconnect in Americans’ Worry About Terrorism

The implication here might be that we are dumb fucks who are herded along and that we are totally in denial about life's dangers.

I do not think so.

I think it is more the American "in your face" rebel attitude.

Fuck you ISIL or whoever the hell you are.

The point of terrorism is to strike fear in people's hearts so that they cower and hide and give in to the evil elements that perpetrate these acts.

It does not seem to work here.

People still go to concerts, they still attend ball games, they march in parades. All that.

I remember sitting in London's Heathrow Airport thinking about the lines of fire if some assholes came in and did the bullet spray thing.

I thought about it but I didn't get up from what was an obviously vulnerable spot. I had bought a cup of coffee or something and I was damn well going to enjoy it.

I suppose that there is a disconnect but not of the kind implied. More like "bring it on motherfucker" I am not going to change my life because a few nut jobs pull this shit.

And so on.

A rant from here on left to the reader to fill in for themselves.


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