
Monday, June 20, 2016

Hot enough for 'ya? 

Well, it is a dry heat.

121 degrees: Palm Springs breaks record — and it could get hotter

Marcus and I just went out to pee, him not me, and it was hot hot.

The kind of searing hot that actually feels like an oven going down my gullet.

I actually like it. Not on a continuing basis but it is "cleansing" somehow.

Not in the sense of taking a shower. More the opposite.

The humidity is 7% which means that I would not sweat. The cooling is quite immediate.

But dehydration looms just around the corner.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

And don't drive out into the desert at all without gallons of water for the car and the riders. Actually, just don't ride out there.

A breakdown could kill you. Me.

We have had a relatively cool spring and early summer. But if this is to be the norm, all that will fade into memory.


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